Are you saving for retirement? Financial literacy is the key to success

What is financial literacy?

Have you heard of a special day being designated each year to highlight the importance of personal finance?

August 14th is National Financial Awareness Day! It’s a day dedicated to increasing the financial IQ of everyone from young people just starting out to seniors entering retirement.

Financial literacy begins with being aware of your ability to effectively manage your income and expenses. If you are not good at managing your money, there are tools available to help you.

Financial literacy helps people manage their income and expenses effectively.

Financial literacy and older people

Retirement doesn’t happen by chance for most people. The decision is often based on savings from all sources and access to affordable healthcare.

But the numbers associated with Americans’ ability to save are discouraging. According to a 2024 Forbes report, 22% of retirement-age Baby Boomers are still working, amid concerns about rising life expectancy, a volatile economy and a lack of personal savings.

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