Michigan Retirement System Has $6.6 Million Invested in Bitcoin

Retirement doesn’t just come with a nice beach, some golf, and some Bitcoin.

Wait a minute, what?

Investors who oversee parts of Michigan’s massive public pension system are dipping their toes into the water when it comes to cryptocurrency. While the current amount of money allocated to bitcoin and other popular currencies is relatively small, it’s still a sign that the Michigan State Retirement System is ready to go where many other similar funds haven’t.

The Michigan State Retirement System has about $6.6 million invested in Bitcoin, a state treasurer said.

As of the end of July, the Michigan State Retirement System had invested about $6.6 million in bitcoin, the best-known form of cryptocurrency, said Ron Leix, a spokesman for the state treasury. The fund also invested $1.4 million in the Grayscale ethereum ETF, he said. Ethereum is another of the most popular digital currencies.

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